To create a new Company with MCA Accountants, please fill out the below form.
Before you do though… Running a Company is not something to take light-heartedly, and we want to ensure that you are going into this decision with full knowledge of what is expected. If you have not already, please read the following information before proceeding:
- Our How Companies Work brochure;
- Our Company Secretarial Service brochure;
- ASIC’s Your Company and the Law webpage; and
- Our Insights article on Director ID Numbers.
We require payment up front for all new entity setups. Once you have completed this form, we shall review your information and send you an invoice (along with details of any other information we require). Once we have received payment, we will process your order.
From 5 April 2022, new company director’s are required to obtain their Director ID number BEFORE being appointed a director. You can read more about this in our Insights Article (including the process to apply).
If you think this is just some little thing no-one cares about… we highlight that the fine for not complying is around $13,000, with the potential for the courts to implement fines of $1.1mil if deemed serious enough. The Government are taking this requirement very seriously, so please heed our warnings.
Please note that we do not have the ability to perform a lookup to ensure you have one before registering your company. The onus is 100% on you to ensure you comply before filling out this form. If you fill the form out, we will assume that you have a Director ID, or are otherwise exempt.
Need to order any additional entities? The below links will open up those order forms.
New Trust (Coming Soon)